sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011

Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that: You don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! How much you can accomplish! And what your potential is!
By Anne Frank

sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

Huevos de Pascua for Windows

Voz satánica—-1. Ir a PANEL DE CONTROL y doble click en el icono VOZ.
2. En la ventana que aparece ingresa como texto de prueba: soy
3. Ahora hacer click en prueba
4. Listo la voz del socio de Billy
5. Si queres proba con otro texto y vas a ver que es distinta la voz.

—-Star Wars Episodio 4—-(Muy BUENO!)
(este es dificil que salga)
1. Click en BOTON INICIO y en EJECUTAR (o tecla Win+R)
2. Escribi lo siguiente: telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
3. Listo.

—-Censura de Bush—-
1. Abrir el BLOC DE NOTAS
2. Escribi la siguiente frace: bush hid the facts
3. Guarda el documento como: bush666.txt en cualquier carpeta.
4. Cerra el BLOC DE NOTAS.
5. Ahora abri nuevamente el archivo que guardaste y te lo cambiara por letras japonesas.

—-Tuberias de caramelos—-
1. Click con el boton derecho en cualquier parte del Escritorio y selecciona PROPIEDADES.
2. Ir a la solapa PROTECTOR DE PANTALLA.
3. Seleccionar el siguiente: TUBERIAS 3D
4. Hacer click en CONFIGURACIÓN
6. Ahora CANCELA el dialogo de abrir que te sale.
7. Y listo click en VISTA PREVIA para ver.

Seven Kinds of Smart

1. Linguistic :Children with this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles.
2. Logical-Mathematical: Children with lots of logical intelligence are interested in patterns, categories and relationships. They are drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments.
3. Bodily-Kinesthetic: These kids process knowledge through bodily sensations. They are often athletic, dancers or good at crafts such as sewing or woodworking.
4. Spatial: These children think in images and pictures. They may be fascinated with mazes or jigsaw puzzles, or spend free time drawing, building with Leggos or daydreaming.
5. Musical: Musical children are always singing or drumming to themselves. They are usually quite aware of sounds others may miss. These kids are often discriminating listeners.
6. Interpersonal: Children who are leaders among their peers, who are good at communicating and who seem to understand others' feelings and motives possess interpersonal intelligence.
7. Intrapersonal: These children may be shy. They are very aware of their own feelings and are self-motivated.

Technophobics & technophilics

Technophobia: is the fear or dislike of advanced technology or complex devices, especially computers. technophobia has been observed to affect various societies and communities throughout the world. This has caused some groups to take stances against some modern technological developments in order to preserve their ideologies.


Technophilics: refers generally to a strong enthusiasm for technology, especially every thing related with technology such as personal computers, cellphones, ipods etc...